Qualification : A genetic tool in the selection of breeding stock

The qualification of breeding stock is based on proven results of performance testing and genetic evaluation obtained as follows:

- On farm, from birth to weaning, for the certification of young animals
- In a ram evaluation centre for an individual animal
- In a breed evaluation centre assessing the progeny according to a protocol of agreed testing criteria

These qualifications are the result of the different levels of genetics of procreated breeding stock and are aimed at a better diffusion of the available stock according to the needs of all the French livestock farmers whether they are aiming at producing fat lambs or breeding ewes or rams by natural tupping or AI.

The qualification criteria are agreed in concert with all the partners of each breed society. GE.O.DE then applies this selection strategy on farms to certify the animals of the breed and produces a certificate for each qualified animal.


Qualification : A genetic tool in the selection of breeding stock
GEODE certifies the genetic qualification

GEODE certifies the genetic qualification

GEODE is the only organisation able to certify the genetic qualification of male and female breeding stock for the breeds it manages. The qualification is the sole guarantee of the work which has gone into the breeding selection. Although the simple term, ‘registered’ ( or ‘inscrit’ in French) is still often used, it does not guarantee this work of certification.

Qualification of an individual animal which is part of the breeding selection schema (Ministry of Agriculture approved) is carried out by the breeders and technicians who can produce  a synthesis of the results of performance, the genetic evaluation of the animal, the bloodline value and the qualities of the strengths and standards of the breed.

All the ewes in our breeding selection data bases are officially performance tested on farm by Ovins Croissance. They are registered in the breed flock book and figure in the different stages of the breeding selection strategy of each breed.

Exemple of Breed standard Berrichon du cher 
Exemple of Breed standard Suffolk