Est à Laine Merinos
30,000 ewes
whose 2,900 in monitored performance recording
Maternal qualities
Prolificacy : 1.606
Average weight at 30 days of a male lamb, born a twin : 11.7 kg
Meat qualities
Ram weight : 120 to 130 kg
Ewe weight : 70 to 85 kg
Average weight of fleece: ewe : 4.5kg; ram : 6.6 kg
Prime Merino fineness: 100-105 with good length of locks: 10 cms
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Origins and natural aptitudes
The EST A LAINE MERINOS breed, in its present form, combines the most improved qualities of the hardy breeds and meat breeds : the resistance and adaptability of the first and the growth performance of the second.
The ewes, because of their excellent fertility, their aptitude for all year round production, their milk value and their maternal qualities, are suitable for use in very different livestock systems, all the more so because they make remarkable use of rough forage. Furthermore, their lambs, which are very resistant, are fast finishers.
Thus the EST A LAINE MERINOS is a remarkable female ewe; their progeny in large scale cross breeding with rams from meat breeds of good conformation and early sexual maturity are highly prized.
Breeding programme
The breeding programme aims at improving the following points : adaptability, wool quality and maternal qualities (prolificacy, milk value, aptitude for all year round breeding).A ram evaluation centre is contributing to the further enhancement of the genetics of the breed. The top males are used collectively through AI.
Market strengths
EST A LAINE MERINOS ewes are crossed with French meat breeds in order to produce F1 ewe lambs which will be used to produce lambs with better conformation for the meat trade. Purebred or crossbred, this breed remains largely in the Lorraine close to its origins.